The Portal Rules
These rules are not the site terms and conditions, but are considered absolute. Any abuse of these rules will result in either suspention or the banning of your account, and the removal of all your data.
We want to encourage a safe, ethical and supportive community - if you are a 'ranter' and want to 'rant', there are plenty of other forums and groups - please use those!
1. Be nice to each other. This sounds obvious but try and speak to each other as if you were face-to-face. It's very easy to write messages on electronic communications which you would never say to someone in real life. People have feelings - don't abuse them.
2. Opinions are ok! But everyone has the right to their own opinions - yours are valid and so are everyone else's.
3. We will not tolerate racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, bigotry, homophobia, ageism, or any other kind of nastiness, in any form. Your content will be deleted, and you will be removed from the site.
4. This is a Voiceover Community, Not a Political Forum. Please keep your topics of conversation to the voiceover industry - no political or religious views please.
5. Be Respectful of Those Off-Platform. Please be as respectful to individuals or companies who are not on the platform as much as you are to those who are on the platform. They do not have the opportunity to reply. This is especially important in the Red Flags section of the portal.
6. No Solicitation. If you work in the industry and have voiceover services that you would like to promote - we are very happy for you and wish you luck! But this is not the forum to be promoting your services. Please don't do this - it's an ad-free platform.
7. No Illegal Activities. This should be quite obvious! But we will pass any illegal activity to the relevant authorities.
8. Report Problems. Although we want everything to be great, sometimes things go wrong, and sometimes people break the rules. Please do not stay silent. If you are feeling something is wrong, please use the Copy Link function (on every post) and use the Contact Us form to report this to us. We will investigate. Please note that this is anonymous to the rest of the community.
9. Self-Promotion Rules: We have a topic dedicated solely to your personal achievements! Please use this to tell us about things you are proud of (limited to the Voiceover Industry of course). However, please do not use the platform to try and get work! Ask for help, yes, but no self-promotion in order to solicit more business for yourself.
10. Have Fun! We want this to be an interesting. valuable and free addition to the voiceover community. Use it well!