What is the GFTB Community Portal?
An Ethical (and completely free) Community Forum dedicated solely to the Voiceover Industry that is ad-free and which does not abuse your personal data
What are the Benefits Compared to Other Social Groups?
No AI. None of your content or data will be used to train any kind of AI models. Ever.
No Echo-Chamber. On the GFTB Community Portal you can see all posts on the main feed and in any group, from any contributor. There are no algorithms to check what you like, and give you similar content without you knowing about it
Content is Not Restricted! There is no filtering algorithm, the kind that stops you seeing more than half of the content. These are designed to make people pay to see all the content.
No Advertising. We have no ads from third parties on the platform.
No “Suggested Posts”. These are mostly irrelevant postings, designed to promote ad-spends
No Sale / Exploitation of Personal Data. Your personal data will never be sold nor shared with third parties.
No Sponsored Posts. There are no sponsored posts on the platform. There is no ability to sponsor posts on the platform! All posts carry the same weight!
No Toxic Culture. The rules of the platform are absolute. Be nice to people or you will no longer be allowed to participate on the platform. Profanity is allowed, but no mean-ness!
No Anonymous Posts. We believe that if your post is fair, and inclusive then based on our no toxic culture rules, there is no need to post anonymously.
Timeline Order. You can choose how you see your timelines in either the main feed, or in groups. It’s up to you if you see latest posts, latest activity, posts with most likes, posts with no interactivity, or even alphabetical posts! You are in control of your feeds.
A Resource not a Timesink. You are in control of your notifications, you are in control of your emails. You can choose to be alerted on every post, just once a week in a digest, or not at all!
You Own Your Content. By putting it onto the portal, you give us a license to display it, but you are the owners of all your content - GFTB cannot sell it or use it anywhere else.
Your Content is Not Mined. Any content you upload is for display purposes only. This content is not ‘mined’ or ‘scanned’ for any other use
Properly Linked Content. You can copy the link from any post and re-paste it anywhere into the site to properly signpost content you think others should see